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Longevity Dentistry
Evidence-Based Approach to Longer Lasting Teeth

Consult: Level 1

Exam and 3D Imaging

Nutritional and lifestyle counseling

OralBiomarker Scoring

Create a custom treatment plan with longevity in mind

Treat: Level 2

Address oral disease 

Restore form and function to reduce degenerative effects of time

Reduce OralBiomarker Score

Maintain: Level 3

Innovative approach to maintain oral health and reduce future dental visits

Stabilize OralBiomarker Score

Rejuvenate: Level 4

Speciality designed minimally invasive procedures to reduce age related effects

Reverse OralBiomarker Score

What makes longevity focused dentistry different than traditional dentistry?

Longevity dentistry aims to do less dental work over a patient’s lifetime and prevent age related degeneration of one’s oral health. This means taking a comprehensive, holistic look at the patient and any factors contributing to the long term prognosis of their dental health and future restorations. Interventions and maintenance protocols use evidence based protocols rather than the outdated techniques and recommendations that have been in place for years. Traditional dentistry leads patients to do numerous unnecessary treatments that does not help prolong their teeth and contributes to more work, and thus more out of pocket expenses for the patient.

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